ICA Near Lindas
35 km
Regularly over charges for items at checkout.. one item was displayed at 140 sek, cha...
36 km
It's a great grocery store with a range of foods and essential personal hygiene and h...
37 km
A decent transformation, now a pleasure to shop there..
ICA Supermarket
37 km
Not very kind staff. Not service oriented. We are costumers of their bank, ica banken...
ICA Supermarket Almérs
41 km
It's a complete grocery store of a smaller size. Don't use a trolley since the isles ...
48 km
Prices are high and more expensive than most other stores. Also, there is no good ass...
ICA Nära Rälla
53 km
During our stay in Öland we always came here for our shopping. It's just beside the m...
As another COOP shop. Thank You. Tack. Tack.
It is clean and organized. It is open till 22h so it's a good option if one needs groceries at a later hour. It has all the basics products. The sortiment of drairy is nice though the veriety of vegatbles and fruits is rather dull. The prices seems to be somewhat towards the higher range of the scale.
A good supermarket for the basic daily supplies with a ICA on the same spot.