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Story Norrby Church is situated in Norrby parish in the Diocese of Västerås, Sweden. Its denomination is Church of Sweden. Geographically, the church is located in the Sala Municipality, on the eastern banks of the Sagån river.The church buildingNorrby Church has medieval origins but was rebuilt to its current form at the end of the 1800s. The church building has a frame of stone and consists of a rectangular nave. On the west side of the nave is the church tower with entrance.Creation and refurbishmentThe original stone church was probably built around the year 1300. In the 1500s the church was expanded to the north. During the 1600s and 1700s, there were repeated strengthening efforts to stabilise the arches and porch. In 1741 a new arched roof was built, and at the same time the church floor was paved. 1785 saw a major renovation and extension under the direction of master mason Johan Sundberg. The southern porch was demolished and the north wall was raised to the same level as in the south. The old roof was demolished and a new roof with heavier trusses were built. Meanwhile, enlarged window openings and the foundation of the church tower was added. New trail shutters were built in the cemetery wall's southern and eastern sides.Rebuilding the current appearanceIn 1887 a major renovation was conducted, designed by architect Gustaf Dahl, when the church was remodeled to the neo-Romanesque style. The renovation meant that the exterior walls were built on. Also, the original tower from the 1700s was completed. The church was extended to the east. The nave was given a new tall roof covered with slate. Old arches were demolished and instead divided the church into three naves with cast iron pillars. The arched roof is built of wood."Norrby kyrka är församlingskyrka i Sala Norrby Möklinta pastorat. På hemsidan kan du hitta kontaktuppgifter och se vad som är på gång i Norrby kyrka. På platsen har det funnits en äldre kyrka den nuvarande kyrkan har präglats av renoveringen 1887. Den har ändå runda romanska former och inte den nygotik som var på mode då."
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, Sala, Sala
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