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About Apostolicity – men sent for the heralding of the crucified God. Apostolicity – to be scrutinized and discerned carefully. Apostolic ministry, an absolute necessity among saints and churches in these last days. Story Introducing Apostolic Ministry The major purpose of this Facebook page, ”Apostolic ministry”, is to harbour the manuscript “Apostolicity. The heralding of the crucified God”. A secondary purpose is to provide a situation in which the subject of Apostolicity may be studied, a situation in which pertinent questions may find substantial answers in a healthy dialogue. The manuscript may be regarded as a paper to be studied and to be pondered for the sake of authenticity in true service. The manuscript may be considered as a paper which stirs questions as well as a source which provide answers – if carefully read. The subject taken on in this manuscript is not to be regarded as a light-weight item. The reader may brace himself for a bumpy ride, and at the same time, open up for revealing moments as the Lord uses the text and the thoughts for grace and mercy as well as for breaking and formation. Do take it on as spiritual exercise unto maturity, for a living testimony to be established among the saints. This forum is not to be regarded and used as a general chat forum. It is not to be used for posting of advertisement, for random bible quotes or for general so called edification. Decency, solemnity, veracity are words to be honoured in proper conduct. Also, downloading and reading the texts is heartily recommended. Direct access to the manuscript “Apostolicity. The heralding of the crucified God” for reading and for downloading: https://www.facebook.com/groups/275824945863496/ You may even re-distribute the texts among friends for the sake of the maturing of the saints. Lars Widerberg
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Storskiftesgatan 87, 58334, Linköping, Linköping
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