
Reviews, get directions and contact details for Ersta sjukhus

Ersta sjukhus
Address: Folkungagatan 125, 116 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 08-714 65 00
Zip Code: 116 30

Regardless of my experience at Ersta, I have the utmost respect and admiration for medical staff and particularly nurses to start with. Even if it's their job, like any jobs, people can do it better or worse. At Ersta, I've only had very good experiences with the staff being extremely caring and taking their time to make you feel comfortable and calm. The whole atmosphere of the hospital is welcoming and feel-good in general.nnThe location and beautiful view of Djurgården is a very nice cherry on top.nnIf you have the possibility to choose, I would really recommend this hospital.
If I could give this hospital a zero rating, I would.nMy fiancee is traveling through Stockholm Sweden on his way home to the United States. On his way back home between flights he got into a car accident, and sadly, he got stuck at this hospital. Now, if you are a traveler through Sweden and you require emergency treatment at a hospital, you absolutely have a right to emergency care. So, foolishly I thought that since emergency hospital care is a right in Sweden, I thought that they would take care of my fiancee first and make him healthy again first before demanding any payments. Silly me... little did I know that this hospital forces patients to pay for every treatment, procedure and amenity before anything is done. Imagine demanding payments from a patient dealing with car accident injuries. And if you don't pay, they will kick you out of the hospital no matter what your condition is.nnAny hospital in the United States that treated patients like that would not only get sued, but also would probably be closed down.nnAs I said, if I could give this hospital less than 1 star, I absolutely would.
English:nFor Swedish version -scroll downnSurgery and anesthesia clinic at Ersta Hospital:nCan highly, highly recommend this small hospital in central Stockholm!nnOn August 5, 2020, I underwent hernia surgery at this Hospital.nHave performed the same operation once before at Aleris-Nacka Hospital.nMust say care environment and treatment was like night and day.nAt Nacka I experienced much more of a “care factory” and was at times treated quite a bit step-motherly.nI do not say Aleris I bad care provider I just in this case compare these two units and must say I -r-e-a-l-l-y- do prefer Ersta for abdominal surgery. Basta!nnThis was during CoVid19 outbreak and the day before the procedure I was summoned to test.nSimple procedure sample in nose & blood sample that took a maximum of 25 minutes all in all.nAll communication with all staff at this hospital was calm and composed.nAt Ersta you’re all the time cared for in a way I as an adult never been in the regular Swedish healthcare system before.nOnly exception from that is the excellent FamilyCare Clinic In where I underwent some Tooth Surgery in 2017/18.nnAll staff were incredibly nice and relaxed, you could joke and have a calm dialogue about the procedure and what was going to happen.nMaybe I was operated on during an unusually quiet day, but having two staff who take care of me when I got of anesthesia felt incredibly luxurious. : Thank you!nCan not enough recommend choosing Ersta as the first choice provided the care you choose is in their range.nI was sent to this hospital by my family doctor in Hammarby Sjöstad and I want to thank him for choosing Ersta for me.nSome parts of the hospital are in need of refurbishment and therefore a completely new unit is now being built behind the old hospital.nLooking forward to visiting those premises whenever possible.nAn entirely pleasant care experience with a deep humanitarian touch.nA s pleasant as a hernia Operation can get, I must say. :nnSwedish:nKirurg- och anestesikliniken på Ersta sjukhus:nnDen 5:e augusti 2020 genomförde jag bråckoperation på Ersta sjukhus.nHar genomfört samma operation en gång tidigare på Nacka Sjukhus och vårdmiljö och bemötande var som natt och dag.nPå Nacka upplevde jag mycket mer ”vårdfabrik” än på Ersta och jag blev där bitvis ganska styvmoderligt behandlad.nnDetta var under CoVid19-utbrottet och jag blev dagen innan ingreppet smitt-testad i en enkel procedur prov i näsa & blodprov som tog max 25 minuter allt som allt.nAll kommunikation med personal på detta sjukhus var lugn och sansad.nUpplevde mig hela tiden sedd och omhändertagen på ett sätt jag aldrig tidigare i vuxen ålder blivit inom svensk vård!nKan varmt rekommendera detta mindre sjukhus i centrala Stockholm.nnUpplevde all personal som ytterst professionell och sansad man kunde skämta och ha en lugn dialog om ingreppet och vad som skulle ske.nKanske blev jag opererad under en ovanligt lugnt dygn men att ha två personal som månar om mig vid uppviket kändes otroligt lyxigt. :nKan inte nog rekommendera välja Ersta som förstahandsval förutsatt vården du väljer finns i deras utbud.nJag blev remitterad av min husläkare i Hammarby Sjöstad och jag vill tacka för att han valde Ersta åt mig.nVissa delar av sjukhuset är i behov av upprustning och därför byggs nu en helt ny enhet bakom det gamla sjukhuset.nSer fram emot få besöka de lokalerna när så blir möjligt.nEn alltigenom vilsam vård som jag annars tror man bara kan få på Schweiziska privatkliniker. :nVårdupplevelse med humanitär prägel.
Everything went perfect! Most professional , helpful and pleasant employees! Everybody is so friendly and even if we weren’t allowed to have visitors because of the pandemic I didn’t felt alone at all. They came regularly to ask me how I feel and if I need anything. I had pain after surgery but i never pushed the red button because they were frequently checking on me.nI have nothing but excellent things to say about the hospital and every single person that works there.nI am very happy that i had my surgery with them!
Very good doctor and nurses were fantastic very good treatment and care. I loved how they took care of me and payed attention never even asked for help or anything.nFantastic views but anyone coming with you needs to wait at the cafes outside as they don't have their own cafeteria.
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