The church is cold, and the chandeliers moved to the parish church which is right next door, the organ has been dismantled. The church has had problems with moisture, it can be seen on the walls. The exterior has been repaired, while the church has been painted. Hälleforsnäs church partly resembles a traditional church with its black and white exterior, brutal gutters and all-white windows to a much greater extent than Olivegren's other churches. I don't think any of the others he drew are with a cemetery. The interior is cold, almost cold. Part is obviously due to the fact that the church is mothballed, but also to the lack of decorative windows and very sparse interior design. My first impression when I entered the church hall and looked towards the altar, was peace. Everything was so stripped down that it was just the ceramic cross and the altar against a large white background, which met one, but then it became too empty. I think the lack of the chandeliers that would have broken the perspectives in the ceilings, ruined a lot. In its current state it left us with a heavy and sad feeling.