28 km
One of the lowest prices in gas and with a nice coffee shop.
Circle K Floda
29 km
It's as any normal cirkel k with a carwash.
The best little petrol station on the planet.
Always the same unpleasant treatment. Usually doesn't even say hello, doesn't even look up, hardly listens to what you say and drags his feet. Rather scrolling his phone or wearing headphones. Been like that for me and all the women I know who go there. While many have noticed that all men, regardless of whether they are new customers or regulars, receive completely different treatment.. completely sick. It's sad that you have to travel a long way just to avoid getting an attitude towards yourself or having a lump in your stomach when you pick up a package.
An incredibly pleasant tap to stop at. Good range of goods and everyone who works there is very service minded and pleasant. A business of kings for kings
Book a trailer, get there and it's closed when it should be open.