Utbildad yoga- och omndfulness lärare. Håller klasser i yin yoga, hatha yoga och restorative yoga samt mindfulness kurser. Läs mer om Milla på Hiyoga.no under instruktörer i Göteborg.
Yin yoga är ett begrepp inom hathayoga med mycket enkla ställningar som görs i syfte att öka rörligheten. Yin yoga är särskilt effektiv för stela personer. Den har visat sig hjälpa t ex ryggvärk och nackproblem och framför allt vid en stressad och snabb livsstil. Yin yogan fyller hela dig med ny energi och lugnar ditt sinne. Yin yoga är ett utmärkt komplement till annan fysisk aktivitet som t ex löpning och styrketräning och andra mer dynamiska yogastilar.
"Milla Krook has not always been a lifecoach, yoga- and mindfulness teacher. Millas has during many year have different leading positions within marketing. To find joy in movement have been an important part for Milla since childhood. When Milla was around 25 years she tried her first yoga class that was the start of a lifelong passion. Within yoga she has deep knowleadge within yin yoga and have e.g. studied for Sarah Powers who is one of the founders of yin yoga. Milla runs her own company and lead yoga- and mindfulness courses, holds lectures and gives private lessons. She also led open yoga classes at Sats and Hiyoga.""Milla Krook has not always been a lifecoach, yoga- and mindfulness teacher. Millas has during many year have different leading positions within marketing. To find joy in movement have been an important part for Milla since childhood. When Milla was around 25 years she tried her first yoga class that was the start of a lifelong passion. Within yoga she has deep knowleadge within yin yoga and have e.g. studied for Sarah Powers who is one of the founders of yin yoga. Milla runs her own company and lead yoga- and mindfulness courses, holds lectures and gives private lessons. She also led open yoga classes at Sats and Hiyoga."
Address: Eklanda Slätt, 431 49 Mölndal
Phone: 0703-47 04 09
City: Mölndal
Zip Code: 431 49