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Firma Redigere | Lawrence Hislop
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Info Lawrence Hislop | Environment | Development | Communications | Geschichte Director of the global Climate and Cryosphere Project (CliC) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Former head of the Polar and Mountains Programme at GRID-Arendal. Manager of international projects that focus on the Arctic, Himalayas and other frozen parts of the world. I have strong technical knowledge of science, environemtnal policy, and communications. My products have been showcased in major international conferences, UN events, exhibitions and have been broadcast widely over the internet. Professional Experience Director of CliC - 2015 (to present) Head of Polar and Mountains Program, GRID-Arendal, Norway. From 2009 – 2014. UN Sustainable Development Goals: I have worked with various UN agencies and the global mountain partnership to produce a series of mountain policy brochures used for discussions on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The briefs cover thematic areas including Energy, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Forests and Biodiversity. Himalayas (HICAP): Responsible for the communications and outreach of the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP) involving extensive work in the wider Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) including Nepal, Bhutan, India, China and Pakistan, producing stories and visual documentation of climate change adaptation and resilience. HICAP highlights: Director of documentary film titled Scaling Mountains, Gaining Heights – Women Environment Leaders. The video is based on interviews I conducted with women environmental leaders from the HKH, and spotlights how mountain women, in their role as managers of their local environment, hold valuable lessons for dealing with climate change. Led journalism-training workshops in the HKH teaching local writers, photographers and videographers to create stories for regional media about climate change. I have contributed as author and photographer to two scientific publications about climate change impacts in the HKH: - Women at the frontline of climate change – Gender risks and hopes - The Last Straw? The additional burden of climate change on food security in the Himalaya Mongolia: I have also worked with Mongolian reindeer herding communities in a UN Environment Programme project called Nomadic Herders and have produced written and visual stories of how climate change is impacting traditional livelihoods and culture. One of the main outputs is a publication called Changing Taiga: Challenges for Mongolia’s Reindeer Herders which is in print, pdf and e-book format. A photo from this book was used in the printed version of the UNFCCC Climate Adaptation Calendar for 2012. India: In 2006, I lived in Punjab, India for one month and documented the development of new water sanitation systems and wastewater treatment plants in rural areas of the province for the Indo-Canadian Friendship Society. The outputs were used to leverage additional funds to expand the project into new villages. Photographs from the project can be viewed on this website. Arctic: I have been one of the primary photographers on a project called Many Strong Voices (MSV) which focuses on bringing personal stories and faces of climate change the Arctic (Greenland, Norway, Alaska) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific to the attention of the general public and decision-makers at international climate change negotiations. The project was voted one of the top ten most influential climate change campaigns in the world by the Guardian newspaper. As a video producer I have created a series of short films for the University of the Arctic called Snowy OWL talks. These videos are based on public presentations by inspirational leaders, and serve as general information for the public as well as supplementary course material for students studying in or about the North. I am co-author of the UN publication View from the top, available in print, eBook and on the iBooks platform. The publication presents the latest scientific knowledge and trends emerging from the Arctic.
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