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Firma Redigere | Tromsø Folkekjøkken / People's Kitchen Tromsø
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Info People’s kitchen Tromsø, is working in the field of "socio-political functional art." We investigate art in public spaces, urban development and participate in projects, which engage the public. Geschichte English People’s kitchen Tromsø, is working in the field of "socio-political functional art." We investigate art in public spaces, urban development and participate in projects, which engage the public. Traditional North Norwegian values as dugnad, volunteerism, unity, cooperation and friendship across social, cultural and age differences are part of our philosophy. In our work we focus on how art can contribute to knowledge production in society and explore how alternative structures can operate in parallel with a capitalistic system - a form of constructive resistance that works from the inside, and is productive rather than critical. Each resident in Norway, throws away 46 kg food each year. Overall, residents in Norway throw away over 300 000 tons of food that could have been eaten. Food waste is an unnecessary source of pollution and CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming and climate change. People’s kitchen Tromsø’s solution to this problem is to create social events where residents can discuss and learn more about food waste, while one is in the making and eating food that is discarded. Norsk Tromsø Folkekjøkken, arbeider innen for en kunst retning som kalles "sosio-politisk funksjonell kunst." Vi undersøker kunst i offentlige rom, byutvikling og deltar i prosjekter som engasjerer publikum. Tradisjonelle nordnorske verdier som dugnad, samarbeid og vennskap på tvers av sosiale, kulturelle og aldersforskjeller er en del av vår filosofi. I vårt arbeid har vi fokus på hvordan kunsten kan bidra til kunnskapsproduksjon i samfunnet og utforsker hvordan alternative strukturer kan operere parallelt med et kapitalistisk system - en form for konstruktiv motstand som fungerer fra innsiden, og er produktiv istedenfor kritisk. Hver beboer i Norge, kaster 46 kg mat hvert år. Totalt kaster innbyggere i Norge over 300 000 tonn mat som kunne vært spist. Matavfall er en unødvendig kilde til forurensning og utslipp av CO2, som bidrar til global oppvarming og klimaendringer. Tromsø Folkekjøkken løsning på dette problemet er å skape sosiale møteplasser hvor innbyggerne kan diskutere og lære mer om matavfall, samtidig som en er med å lage og spise mat som kastes. Etikett People's Kitchen Tromsø focus on how art can contribute to knowledge production in society and explore how alternative structures can operate in parallel with a capitalistic system - a form of constructive resistance that works from the inside, and is productive rather than critical. Each resident in Norway, throws away 46 kg food each year. Overall, residents in Norway throw away over 300 000 tons of food that could have been eaten. Food waste is an unnecessary source of pollution and CO2 emissions, which contribute to global warming and climate change. People’s kitchen Tromsø’s solution to this problem is to create social events where residents can discuss and learn more about food waste, while one is in the making and eating food that is discarded.
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http://www.tromsokunstforening.no/, Tromsø
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