
Anmeldelser, kontaktinformasjon for Farsund Airport, Lista


Farsund Airport, Lista is an airport situated on the Lista peninsula in the municipality of Farsund in Vest-Agder county, Norway. The village of Vestbygd lies on the southwest side of the airport and the small village of Ore lies on the northeast side. The airport features a 2990m concrete runway aligned 14/32. Previously it also had a 1494m runway aligned 09/27. Farsund Airport, Lista is the civilian sector of the now closed Lista Air Station. Previously a regional airport, it is now only used for general aviation.The airbase was built by the Luftwaffe during the German occupation of Norway, opening in steps between 1941 and 1944. It was taken over by the Royal Norwegian Air Force from 1945. Civilian operations originally commenced in 1955 when Braathens SAFE started services with their de Havilland Heron. Nordsjøfly and its successor Norving flew from 1980 to 1988. The air station was closed in 1996 and the aerodrome privatized. Air Stord operated flights from 1996 to 1999 and since there have been no scheduled services.

Adresse: Farsund, Norway
By: Farsund

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Best plass for å fly ifra. Fantastisk.
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Flott flyplass!
Oversatt av Google Har nettopp vært innom museet for andre verdenskrig på Lista flyplass. Ble vist rundt av en veldig hyggelig guide som ga oss masse informasjon om alt de hadde samt hvordan det var under krigen i Lista. Vi hadde en virkelig fantastisk tid, og jeg vil anbefale å besøke her hvis du er interessert i krigsminner og historie. Fantastisk dag ute uansett alder. Original Just been to visit the world war 2 museum at Lista airport. Was shown around by a very lovely guide who gave us lots of information about everything they had as well as what it was like during the war in Lista. We had a really marvellous time and I would recommend visiting here if you an interest in war memorabilia and history. Fabulous day out no mater your age.
Oversatt av Google Det er et historisk sted, det er godt å komme på besøk. De gamle tyske soldatbrakkene er restaurert og omgjort, noen til hotell, andre til kontorer. Original Es un lugar histórico, está bien acercarse para una visita. Los antiguos barracones de los soldados alemanes se han restaurado y reconvertido, algunos en un hotel otros en oficinas.
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