
Anmeldelser, kontaktinformasjon for Hatefs Voice - Armed for the Quill

Hatefs Voice - Armed for the Quill


Armed for the quill works on International platform for peace, freedom of speech & Human Rights


Armed for the Quill was formed in 2010 and works on an International platform to promote and spread awareness for peace, freedom of speech and human rights.
Our mission is to bring people together and exchange knowledge between east and the west and about human civilization. We respect human values, human rights and the right to have freedom of speech. There is no room for discrimination as we are born equal and believe in equality. Our voice is the voice of thousands of journalists, writers, authors and others that don’t have the right to write or speak.

What we stand for:
• Human rights
• Freedom of speech
• Freedom of expression
• Media rights
• Press freedom
• Education for all
• Share knowledge through the social network
• Unity between east and the west
• Mediation and negotiation to solve conflicts

What we are against:
• Discrimination and racism
• Division of people
• Injustice
• Child abuse
• Child labor
• Human trafficking
• Violence against women and girls

Description of our work:

Our organization was originally founded with the vision of protecting the rights of journalists and media workers as courageous journalists all over the world are risking their life to report news and to bring accurate information to the public.

Therefore, Armed for the Quill works and invites journalists, reporters, authors, bloggers and others who are affected by censorship and taken away their freedom of speech.
We spread awareness and share knowledge through the social network by connecting with people from all over the world and let everybody publish their articles and thoughts.

Armed for the Quill does also help with the development of education facilities and basic necessities in those countries where children don’t have the possibility or the means to study.

ARMED FOR THE QUILL is committed towards establishing peace which has now become a most valuable social feeling. If a single person cries it hurts our soul which bleeds when the blood of innocent falls & the efforts of common public go waste. We support freedom of expression & are strictly against the dictatorship. So come with us & let’s make this world a peaceful place to live in.

Armed for the Quill works on international platform for peace, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and to bring people together by building a network from all corners of the world. We are against discrimination, hatred, in justice, poverty driven hunger, child abuse, child labor, begging. We fights for Tribal Rights, Environment Rights, Civil Rights, Media Rights & Press Freedom, free education, food security, refugee welfare & numerous others.

Join the movement to protect the world from the ill effects of politics, war, crimes, historical diplomacy, & the humanity crisis, and the difficulty some journalists experience by the lack of freedom of speech.
Lets join hands to turn the world into a heaven.

For more information about our organization and work and further questions or concerns, please contact any of the representatives. Your kind words and support are greatly appreciated.

Founder: Hatef Mokhtar, Norway. hatefmokhtar.aftq@gmail.com
Asian Director: Fahad Hussain, India. fahadhussain@armedforthequill.com


Indonesia, Tuti Julviant Ismail. tuti.julviantiismail1979@gmail.com
Bhutan, Pravin Dahal. pravdahl@live.co.uk
Pakistan, Abbas. abbasjeee@yahoo.com
Qatar, Imran Manzoor. imranmanzoorkandialy@gmail.com
Maldives, Miusam Abbas. miusamabbas@gmail.com
Malaysia, Shaharul Anwar. shaharul@armedforthequill.com
Zambia, Marie Ellis. marie_ellis89@yahoo.com
USA, M. Yousuf Stanizai. stanizai@yahoo.com

Adresse: Geviret 6, 1270 Oslo, Norway
Telefonnummer: +4794281379
By: Oslo
Rute: Geviret 6
Postnummer: 1270


Mandag: 09:00 - 13:30

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