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Nobels Fredssenters hovedsponsorer og partnere er i dag Hydro, Telenor Group og ABB.
Our main sponsors and partners are Hydro, Telenor Group and ABB.
"Nobels Fredssenter er en uavhengig stiftelse, finansiert gjennom en kombinasjon av privat og offentlig støtte.Senteret er også en arena for samfunnsdebatt. Gjennom skiftende utstillinger, omvisninger, arrangementer, undervisningsopplegg og familieaktiviteter ønsker vi å skape refleksjon og engasjement omkring temaer knyttet til krig, fred og konfliktløsning. Senteret har blitt internasjonalt anerkjent for sin satsing på dokumentarfotografi.Nobels Fredssenter ligger sentralt plassert på Rådhusplassen i Oslo, i hovedbygningen for den nedlagte Vestbanestasjonen. Opplysninger om åpningstider og billettpriser finner du her. Vi har også en museumsbutikk og driver utleie av lokaler."
relaterte søk: nobels fredssenter kommende aktiviteter, nobels fredssenter barn, nobel peace centre, www nobelsfredssenter no, oslo nobel center, generation wealth, the nobel peace prize museum, nobels fredssenter direktør
Nærliggende lignende selskaper
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421 meter
Selve museet er ok, men omvisningen var strålende!
Teatermuseet i Oslo
552 meter
Lite museum med litt av hvert fra Tigerstaden. Koselig guide, men "Teatermuseet&...
Norsk Tryllemuseum
589 meter
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Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur
608 meter
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644 meter
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Historisk Museum
645 meter
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Kulturhistorisk Museum
645 meter
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Nasjonalmuseet for samtidskunst
687 meter
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Åpent Slott
809 meter
Omvisning på slottet. Kan anbefales på det sterkeste. Billetter bør kjøpesenter på ne...
Akershus festning
862 meter
With an excellent view and a museum inside, it is the ideal place to spend some time ...
Filmens hus
880 meter
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972 meter
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Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum
996 meter
Would definitely recommend. It's great seeing those old things and reading more about...
The Nobel Peace Center was a delightful experience. Though not very large, the museum was quite informative and interesting, with numerous interactive displays that engaged and educated visitors. It surpassed my expectations, especially compared to the one in Stockholm. Highly recommended for anyone interested in the history of the Nobel Peace Prize and its laureates.
May24- a marvelous place and so much history. Learn about Nobel,and discover some winners you never knew and also some you did. The medal on display is wonderful to experience. As are some of the visiting exhibits. Yoko Ono exhibition is fascinating, and Narges Mohammadi also . Go see Google review won't post pics of former even though it's art!
Located right on the coast, the Nobel Peace Center features exhibitions on Alfred Nobel and the 2023 Nobel Prize winner Narges Mohammadi, who was recognized for her efforts in advocating for women’s freedom in Iran. The museum also showcases beautifully curated exhibits of other Peace Prize winners, including statesmen, diplomats, and individuals who have contributed significantly to world peace. Another highlight is the Golden Nobel Medal exhibit, featuring a 196-gram 18k gold medal. Additionally, there’s an exhibition on peace by Yoko Ono on the second floor. It’s a must-see museum.
This museum was a huge disappointment, mainly because it was so superficial and light on content. The first section, on Nobel and the history of the peace prize, gave a good overview. Upstairs, however, a hagiography of Yoko Ono gave way to a lightweight sketch of some of the previous laureates. They were presented on screens, several of which did not work, and the information was minimal. Notably, several people were just omitted, and rather than take the opportunity to engage with the question of why the peace prize has been given to controversial and manifestly unsuitable people Henry Kissinger springs immediately to mind, and how it has been caught up in politics, the display opts for the easy option of a few facts about largely unproblematic candidates. There is also no explanation about how the committee chooses people, or why it has increasingly opted for organisations rather than individuals. The only real redeeming feature was the exhibition on the 2023 winner, Narges Mohammadi, and her struggle for women’s rights and freedom in Iran, which was good. This museum could be so much more interesting and informative, but sadly is very lightweight indeed.
You should make a reservation here. And take a guided tour they are doing it so nice and will. I enjoy the atmosphere and the way they created it for kids is amazing. Very emotional and very interestingBesøkte stedetPå en helgedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesJa
The Peace Prize is awarded by the Norway Nobel committee, the only one outside Sweden. The displays that show categories, the amazing people who won, and there's an interactive section where you can go and read about people that you care about. Very cool! I learned so much. Yoko Ono had an exhibit so innocent and so did a woman from Iran struggling for the right to dress as she wishes. There is an interactive display for you to lesrn what type of Peacemaker you are. The building is right in the harbor so centrally located and easy to access.
A very nice museum. We went there was a Yoko Ono exhibition on, which was surprisingly good. Children up to 17 are free to enter. Adults are 160NOK Well worth a visit.
A small but worthwhile museum on the Nobel Peace Prize. I definitely recommend joining one of the daily tours in conjunction with your visit. It doesn’t cost extra and adds a lot of commentary/context.Besøkte stedetPå en helgedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesNei
We went for a guided tour for the only Nobel price awarded in Norway. Our group found it informative and suitable for both adults and children.Besøkte stedetPå en ukedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesJa
We popped in about an hour before it closed and staff were really helpful in directing us to the most kiddie friendly exhibits. Really interesting, inspiring, interactive and fun. Highly recommend for kids and grown ups alike. The Yoko Ono exhibition was surprisingly enjoyable.Besøkte stedetPå en helgedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesNei
Veibeskrivelse til Nobels Fredssenter - Nobel Peace Center med offentlig transport
Aker brygge
70 meter
Aker brygge
110 meter
Rådhusbrygge 3
120 meter
180 meter
190 meter
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