Anmeldelser, kontaktinformasjon for Naturhistorisk Museums Bibliotek
"Naturhistorisk museum består av zoologiske og geologiske utstillinger, Botanisk hage og Klimahuset med sine utstillinger om klima- og klimaendringer. For åpningstider, se Google-oppføringer for Zoologisk museum, Botanisk hage og Klimahuset."
Adresse: Geologisk museum Sars gate 1 , Oslo 0562, NO
relaterte søk: naturhistorisk museum uio, museum oslo dinosaur, universitetet i oslo naturhistorisk museum, zoologisk museum bergen åpningstider, geologisk museum, botanisk hage inngang, uio naturhistorisk, botanisk hage butikk
Urban Paradise
2 km
Fikk veldig god hjelp a v en 'kul fyr' som hjalp meg å få rett jakke. Super service....
Deichman Torshov
2 km
Godt utvalg og bøker men det var rotete i dag og innleveringsmaskinen var ødelagt. Da...
Nasjonalmuseets Bibliotek
2 km
Det er definitivt verdt å besøke dette museet. Mye å se og lese. Avsatt ca 3-4 timer ...
There were 2 museums. The Zoological museum and Geological Museum. The exhibits in the Zoological museum were displayed very well in a background of natural habitat which made them more interesting. The Geological museums had a mixture if exhibits including dinosaurs, different stones, crystals, diamonds which I don't usually find interesting but I was thus time and planet earth. Both were very good places to visit especially during the rain. Recommended.
Great way to explore the history of science of our planet Earth. We enjoyed being there as there are lots of amusing things for children. Cafe has an open outdoor area, and you can enjoy your coffee in peaceful sightings of nature.Besøkte stedetPå en ukedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesJa
A great museum with a beautiful park/garden around. The museum itself is composed of three buildings, a zoo not with real alive animals, a geologic museum and a climate one. Nice to spend an afternoonBesøkte stedetPå en helgedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesJa
Har alltid vært mitt favorittmuseum i hele Norge. Jeg kan huske første gang jeg var der og pekte entusiastisk ut hvert dinosaurfossil og stirret med undring på alle de utstilte dyrene. Siden den gang har det vært en stor renovering, og museet er enda bedre enn før. Nå må jeg innrømme at jeg har gratis inngang, som student ved UiO, men jeg synes fortsatt det absolutt hadde vært verdt billettprisen. Det må nevnes at bare et fåtall av de interaktive duppedittene på geologisk side fungerer. I tillegg kan jeg ikke si noe om hvordan museet er for unge barn, bare den endeløse rekken utvekslingsstudenter jeg tvinger med meg hit. De elsker alle stedet. Sleng inn den gratise botaniske Hagen, med Victoriahuset og Palmehuset, og dette er ett av favorittstedene mine i hele Oslo.
A very broad set of displays of the natural world. Their collection dates back to well over a century, having survived two world wars. Their taxidermied selection of birds was quite impressive.
It was an ideal place to spend time on the last day, lots of lockers, clean bathrooms and taxidermy were very well presented as were some of the other exhibits. However, it wasn't clear what buildings you could go in as a lot looked shut up tight and private if it weren't for me seeing other people go through I would not have attempted to enter.
Prisgunstig for familie. Meget gjennomført utstilling. Flott oppstilte scener.Besøkte stedetPå en ukedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesJa
Great Natural History museum and geology in the botanical garden. Not too big but well set up. The exhibitions are on a conventional side. Nothing too fancy except the new climate change exhibit that has it own little building.Besøkte stedetPå en helgedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesNei
The museum has a great selection of geological samples, minerals and rocks to fossils and meteorites, animals, plants and space exhibit. the display also has life size dinosaur skeletons, which were very impressive and realistic. The museum also has a perfect example of stuffed animals from different habitats and regions. There are also many activities and games for children. The museum is very well-organized and easy to navigate, no need to buy tickets in advance in winter
One of the best museums in Oslo. Next to the main building there are another 2 parts of museum - geological and animal one. If you use Oslo pass, you have free entrance. There are very rare stones, animals look so realistic with an authetic sounds. The staff is helpful and friendly. We enjoyed our time here.Besøkte stedetPå en ukedagVentetidIngen ventetidForhåndsbestilling anbefalesNei
Veibeskrivelse til Naturhistorisk Museums Bibliotek med offentlig transport
Lakkegata skole
150 meter
Sars' gate
160 meter
Helgesens gate
290 meter
330 meter
450 meter
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